Nick Eastwood: Naughty Voyeur Librarian. San Diego: Greenleaf Classics 1984
Umberto Eco: Der Name der Rose <dt.> / Il nome della rosa <ital.>. u.a. Bompiani 2001
Umberto Eco: Die geheimnisvolle Flamme der Königin Loana. Illustrierter Roman. Hanser 2004
Rosemary Edghill: The Sword of Maiden’s Tears. DAW 1994
Viviane Egli: Engel im falschen Zug. Kriminalroman. Orte-Verlag 1999
* „Nora lebt allein in einer Wohnung am Stadtrand von Zürich. Ist sie Einzelgängerin? Alles verändert sich jedenfalls, als der Freund ihres besten Freundes verunglückt. Man findet in seinem Koffer ein abgeschlossenes Manuskript, mit dem er nach Stuttgart fahren wollte. Und nicht nur Martin Schneider von der Kantonspolizei interessiert sich nun für Nora, ebenso Unbeteiligte, Fremde, Bibliotheksbesucher. Die bisher geordnete Welt der jungen Frau gerät völlig durcheinander, und das winterliche Zürich verdichtet sich in Viviane Eglis erstem Roman zu einer Szenerie, in der Traum und Realität, kriminalistische Spannung und unheimliche Stimmungen sich durchdringen“ (Verlags-Website)
Mircea Eliade: Der besessene Bibliothekar. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 1998
Suzanne Elizabeth: Destiny in disguise. New York: HarperPaperbacks 1997 (= Harper monogram)
* Time travel, Women librarians, Fiction, Love stories
Rhett Ellis: How I Fell in Love with a Librarian and Lived to Tell about it. Sparking bay books 2004
Marian Engel: Bear. David R. Godine Publisher 2003
* After five years buried like a mole amid the decaying maps and manuscripts of an historical institute, Lou is given a welcome field assignment: to catalogue a nineteenth-century library, improbably located in an octagonal house on a remote island in northern Ontario. Eager to reconstruct the estate?s curious history, she is unprepared for her discovery that the island has one other inhabitant: a bear.
Rachel Evans: Words of love. New York: Avalon Books 1999 (= An Avalon career romance)
* Keywords: Women librarians, Loggers
* Inhalt: For chief librarian Joanna Lee, the highlight of her working life is the annual Poetry Event she organizes. This year, she eagerly anticipates the arrival of the author who has won the competition. Instead of the bookish man she imagined, the lumberjack who steps off the train seems rough-hewn and brashly confident. If a poet is hiding behind Sam Greenaway’s big, unkempt frame, Joanna fails to see where. To make matters worse, Sam has brought his little girl. He is determined to have a good time in his own way and Joanna is gradually drawn in by his warm spirits and good humor. Sam is intrigued by her unaffected manner, unique style, and sharp mind. She suspects that his devil-may-care attitude hides a deep loneliness. Joanna is willing to take her growing affection as far as she can, but will Sam ever take anything seriously?
Eva Marie Everson / Linda Evans Shepherd: The Potluck Club. Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell 2005
Meet the Potluck Club–six women who gather each month to share their insatiable appetite for good friends, great food, and a pinch of prayer. Their seemingly unlikely friendship brings a little spice to life in Summit View, Colorado. But when they send up enough misinformed prayers to bring down a church, things get interesting . . . Evie’s niece arrives with a broken heart and a big surprise. Lisa Leann tries to take over. Goldie’s marriage turns sour. Donna stews over a strange encounter. Lizzie’s librarian eyes are on the lookout for trouble. (…)
Eva Marie Everson / Linda Evans Shepherd: The Potluck Club. Trouble’s Brewing. Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell 2006
Eva Marie Everson / Linda Evans Shepherd: The Potluck Club takes the cake. Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell 2007
Eva Marie Everson / Linda Evans Shepherd: The secret’s in the sauce. Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell 2008
Eva Marie Everson / Linda Evans Shepherd: A taste of fame. Grand Rapids: Fleming H. Revell 2009