Chuck Palahniuk: Lullaby. Anchor Books 2003
* In this black comedy, a reporter investigating a sudden spike in the number of infant deaths discovers a link between each of the victims–apparently all had been read a particular poem from a mysterious book found at the scene of each death. His subsequent investigation leads him into contact with everyone from librarians to witches to eco-terrorists.
Marilyn Pappano: In Sinful Harmony. Time Warner Books
* Inhalt: Celine Hunter, the pretty librarian, is torn by emotions she has never felt before. She’s willing to risk her reputation and her heart for a man who takes her breath away, but will he betray her?
* russische Ausgabe Merilin Papano: Vkus grekha. Moskva: EKSMO-Press 2001
Nancy J. Parra: A Wanted Man. A Morgan Family Romance. Avalon Books 2002 (= An Avalon historical romance)
* Inhalt: Brianna McGraw ventures out West to find and rescue her brother from bandits who will sell him illegally to the highest bidder. Separated after they were orphaned a few years ago, Brianna has worked hard as a librarian to save money for the trip. But when she arrives, she realizes she has to somehow come up with a thousand dollars to buy him back.
Rich Parsons / Tony Keaveny: Colin the Librarian: The Chronicles of Ancient Threa – Volume 3 or Maybe 4. Michael O’Mara Books 1994
* While date-stamping in Clacton’s library, a Tharg tries to borrow „The Chronicles of Ancient Threa“.
Rich Parsons / Tony Keaveny: Krap the Conqueror. Michael O’Mara Books 1995
* Anti-hero Colin returns in another tale with his own hero, Krap the Conqueror. When the Gods try to make an advent calendar from a „Blue Peter“ annual, things go wrong and a destructive machine is made instead. Krap asks Colin to help him destroy this monster. The sequel to „Colin the Librarian“.
Lilian Peake: The library tree. London: Mills & Boons 1980 (=Mills & Boons Classics)
Edmund Lester Pearson: Librarian at Play. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. 1911
* Inhalt: The interest gauge / The gardener’s guide / Vanishing favorites / By telephone / A literary meet / „The desert island test“ / The conversation room / The literary zoo / Their just reward / The crowded hour / To a small library patron / By-ways and hedges / Mulch / A bookman’s armory.
Richard Peck: Here lies the librarian. New York: Dial Books 2006
* Peewee idolizes Jake, a big brother whose dreams of auto mechanic glory are fueled by the hard road coming to link their Indiana town and futures with the twentieth century. And motoring down the road comes Irene Ridpath, a young librarian with plans to astonish them all and turn Peewee’s life upside down. This novel, with its quirky characters, folksy setting, classic cars, and hilariously larger-than-life moments, is vintage Richard Peck – an offbeat, deliciously wicked comedy that is also unexpectedly moving.
* Fourteen-year-old Eleanor „Peewee“ McGrath, a tomboy and automobile enthusiast, discovers new possibilities for her future after the 1914 arrival in her small Indiana town of four young librarians.
Elizabeth Peters: Jacqueline Kirby Mysteries
siehe Krimireihen
Tom Petsinis: Die Buchliebhaberin. Roman. Aus dem Englischen von Lisa-Marie Sayre. btb 2003 [Kurzbesprechung bei]
* Australien / Buchhändlerin / Bibliophilie / Anonymer Brief / Geheimnis / Belletristische Darstellung /
Joan Elliott Pickart: The Parker Project. Silhouette 2004 (= Family Secrets 10)
Alison Winfree Pickrell: Den of Lions. OakTara 2008
* „Timothy Wrenn, a slight asthmatic librarian, leads a quiet, gentle life. But he’s always hidden a secret desire and has saved money for years to achieve his dream…“
Daniel Pinkwater: Aunt Lulu. New York: Aladdin Books 1991
Luigi Pirandello: Il fu Mattia Pascal <ital.> 6. Aufl. Garzanti 2002 [Kurzbesprechung bei BOL]
* Inhalt: La vicenda di Mattia, sfaccendato bibliotecario di un ipotetico paesino della Liguria, odiato da moglie e suocera e connotato da una significativa anomalia, un occhio strabico, si svolge tutta sotto il segno del fortuito e dell’imprevisto. Imprevisto è il suo stesso matrimonio, cui finisce obbligato dalla sua eccessiva disponibilità alle occorrenze del caso. Ma sarà ancora il caso a sottrarre Mattia alle infelici conseguenze dei suoi atti fortuiti: un’eccezionale vincita al gioco e, poi, un provido sbaglio di persona (o meglio di cadavere) lo renderanno improvvisamente ricco e libero.
Rainer Pörzgen: [Bibliothekarische Weihnachtsgeschichten]. 1994 – (Weihnachten in der Bibliothek 1994; Der Weihnachtsmann in der Bibliothek 1995; Weihnachten virtuell 1996; Uns ist ein Kindlein geboren… 1997; „Frohes Fest“ 1998; Kollege Millhagen 1999; Das Lächeln des Engels 2000; Bibliotheksmarketing 2001; Der Berufene 2002; Das Fest der Liebe 2005)
Richard Powers: The Gold Bug Variations. Perennial 1992
* The novel jumps back and forth between the late ’50s, when brilliant scientist Stuart Ressler is involved with an Illinois research team trying to break the mysteries of DNA coding, and the ’80s, when librarian Jan O’Deigh and computer programmer Franklin Todd get to know Ressler, now holding an insignificant night job at a massive computer database operation in Brooklyn, N.Y., and try to figure what derailed his promising career.
Terry Pratchett: Guards! Guards! London: Gollancz 1997
* Kommentar: der Bibliothekar in der Unseen University von Ankh-Morpork ist ein Orang-Utan. Buch ist düsterer als andere Scheibenwelt-/Discworld-Romane. Bibliotheken kommen übrigens bei mehreren Büchern Pratchetts vor [Wikipedia]
Terry Pratchett: Making money. Doubleday 2007 / London: Corgi Books 2008
Caroline Preston: Lucy räumt auf. Blanvalet 2001 [Übersetzung] / Lucy Crocker 2.0. New York: Scribner 2000
* Former librarian Lucy Crocker is the inadvertently famous designer of the popular computer fantasy adventure Maiden Quest.
* „Bibliothekarin, Ehefrau und Mutter wird über Nacht zum Cyber-Guru – turbulenter Familienroman“ [ZVAB]
Lily Prior: La Cucina Siciliana oder Rosas Erwachen. 1. Aufl. Hamburg: Europa-Verlag 2002 / 4. Aufl. Bergisch-Gladbach: Lübbe 2005 [Übersetzung] / La Cucina: A Novel of Rapture. New York: HarperCollins 2000, Wheeler 2001
* Middle-aged women, Women librarians, Women cooks, Cookery, Sicily, Love stories
* Rosa Fiore, die Ich-Erzaehlerin dieses leidenschaftlichen Romans, wird als Mädchen weithin fuer ihre raffinierte Kochkunst gerühmt. Ihr Vater verschwindet, die Mutter erschießt ihren zweiten Mann, und Rosas Kochwut nimmt immer groteskere Formen an – bis Rosa nicht mehr kochen darf, ihr erster Liebhaber ermordet wird und sie enttäuscht nach Palermo zieht, wo sie sich in der Bibliothek mühevoll hocharbeitet. Erst die Begegnung mit einem charismatischen Engländer, den sie in die Geheimnisse der Cucina Siciliana einweihen soll, lässt die lebenshungrige Rosa aus ihrem Dornröschenschlaf erwachen.
Mark Pryor: The Paris librarian. Amherst: Seventh Street Books 2016 (A Hugo Marston Novel)
zuletzt aktualisiert am 12. August 2017