Kinder- und Jugendbuch

Kinderbücher, Jugendbücher, Sachbücher für Kinder und Jugendliche

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Kathi Appelt / Jeanne Cannella Schmitzer: Down Cut Shin Creek: The Pack Horse Librarians of Kentucky. HarperCollins 2001

Terri Barr / Kate Eason Power (Ill.): Lillian the librarian. Columbus: Seedling Publications 1999

Jane Scoggins Bauld / Gail Saunders-Smith: We need librarians. Mankato: Pebble Books 2000 (= Helpers in Our School)

John Bellairs / Edward Gorey: The Dark Secret of Weatherend. Penguin 1997 / New York: Dial Books for Young Readers 1984 / Bantam 1991

John Bellairs: The treasure of Alpheus Winterborn. Skylark 1985 / Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1978
– „Young Anthony Monday discovers a mystery the summer he works at the library. With the help of the librarian, Miss Eels, he discovers the secret“ (LibraryThing)

Diana Bentley: The Librarian. Hodder Wayland 1988 (= My School Series)

Brook Berg: What Marion Taught Willis. Upstart Books 2005 (Follow Marion on Her Library Adventures!)
– Rezension in: Children’s Bookwatch, April 2005
– Career Day is coming up in Mr. Owen’s class. When Willis hears that Marion aspires to be a librarian, he teases her in front of everyone. Determined to teach Willis the truth about libraries, Marion challenges him to come to the Media Center.

Birgit Bergander / Franziska von Strotha / Ralf Butschkow [Ill.]: Ich hab eine Freundin, die ist Buchhändlerin. Carlsen 1999

Thomas Bloor: The Memory Prisoner. Dial Books for Young Readers 2001

Elinor M. Brent-Dyer / Pat Willimott: The Chalet School Librarian. Matador 2005
– A new Librarian is appointed to run the Library, a bold decision at a time when school librarians were few and far between. The new Librarian soon comes up against resistance to her appointment, and there is conflict with the Library Prefect, who had responsibility for much of the old library.

Liza N. Burby: A Day in the Life of a Librarian. PowerKids Press 1998 / 2001
– Describes a typical work day for a public librarian as he answers reference questions, repairs microfilm readers, weeds the collections, and finds videos for patrons.

Toni Buzzeo / Sachiko Yoshikawa (Ill.): Our Librarian Won’t Tell Us Anything!: A Mrs. Skorupski Story with Book(s). Upstart Books 2006

Georgia Byng: Molly Moon und das Auge der Zeit. München: Hanser 2004

Linda P. Carvell: Career Opportunities in Library and Information Science. Ferguson Publishing 2005

Joan Dorn Clarke: Your future as a librarian. New York: Richards R. Rosen Press 1963

Andrew Clements:The Report Card. Aladdin 2005

M. T. Coffin: Check It Out-And Die! Avon Books 1995 (= Spinetingler 5)
– It all starts when a substitute librarian, Ms. Gunkel, comes to Edison Elementary School and starts a horror reading club.

Eoin Colfer: The Legend of Spud Murphy. Puffin 2005
Deutsche Ausgabe: Tim und das Geheimnis von Knolle Murphy. Weinheim: Beltz & Gelberg 2009 (Übersetzung: Brigitte Jakobeit). Französische Ausgabe: La légende de Murphy la Patate: Panique à la bibliothèque (Übersetzung: Vanessa Rubio). Italienische Ausgabe: La leggendaria storia di Verruca Murphy e del suo orribile sparapatate. 1. Aufl. Mondadori 2005

Marc Crabtree: Meet my neighbour, the librarian. Crabtree 2012

Anna Dale: Hexengeflüster. Bloomsbury 2004

David Davis / Jim Harris: Librarian’s Night Before Christmas. Pelican 2007

Christine Day / Jane Bowler [Photogr.]: Miss Massie is a Librarian. Young Library 1985 (= People Who Help Us)

James A. Dearden: Books are for People: Librarian’s Life and Work. Education Explorers 1969 (= My Life & My Work Series)

Carmen Agra Deedy / Michael P. White (Ill.): The Library Dragon. Peachtree 1994
– Kinderbuch, das die Verwandlung eines Bibliotheks-Drachens in eine nur mehr ein bisschen drächige Schulbibliothekarin schildert. Amüsant.

Carmen Agra Deedy / Michael P. White (Ill.): Return of the Library Dragon. Peachtree 2012

Alice K. Flanagan / Christine Osinski (Ill.): Ms. Davison, Our Librarian. Children’s Press 1996 / 1997

Jackie French: Phredde and the Zombie Librarian and Other Stories to Eat with a Blood-Plum. HarperCollins 2004

Jackie French: Phredde and The Leopard Skin Librarian. HarperCollins 2005
– What do you do when your school librarian starts dressing in leopard–skin and goes off chasing dinosaurs?

Wieland Freund: Lisas Buch. Rowohlt 2003
– „Wer sind die beiden seltsamen Jungs, die plötzlich in der Stadtteilbibliothek auftauchen? Warum interessieren sie sich für das geheimnisvolle Buch, an dem der alte Bibliothekar Birnbichler schreibt? Noch bevor Lisa eine Antwort findet, ist das Buch verschwunden und sie steckt mit niemand anderem als Tom Sawyer und Huckleberry Finn in einem phantastischen Abenteuer. Robinson Crusoe und Kapitän Nemo, Frankensteins Monster und Don Quixote: Sie alle sind hinter Lisas „Buch“ her, das auch Käpitän Ahab und die unheimlichen Tintenaffen in die Finger kriegen wollen?“ [Rowohlt-Website]

Jo Furtado: Sorry, Miss Folio! Kane Miller Book Pub 1992

Michael Garland: Miss Smith and the Haunted Library. Dutton Juvenile 2009

Gino Garosi (Red.): Il bibliotecario. Torino: Paravia 1958 (= Che cosa fa?)

Alfredo Gómez Cerdá / María Luisa Torcida (Ill.): El monstruo y la bibliotecaria. 5. Aufl. Editorial Noguer 2000 [1991]

Lucia Gonzalez / Lulu Delacre: The Storyteller’s Candle / La velita de los cuentos. Children’s book press 2008

Jacqueline Laks Gorman, Gregg Andersen (Photograph): Librarian. Gareth Stevens Publishing 2002 (= People in My Community)

Carol Greene / Lada Josefa Kratky (Übers.): Puedo ser bibliotecaria. Chicago: Childrens Press 1989

Carol Greene: I can be a librarian. Chicago: Childrens Press 1988

Carol Greene: Librarians Help Us Find Information. Child’s World 1998 (= Community Helpers)

Dan Gutman / Jim Paillot (Ill.): Mrs. Roopy is loopy! New York: HarperCollins 2004
– A.J. and his classmates are convinced that new school librarian, Mrs. Roopy, has multiple personality disorder because she keeps pretending to be famous people.

Peter Härtling: Jette. 2. Aufl. Beltz 1999

Heather Henson / David Small (Ill.): That Book Woman. Atheneum 2008

Janet Hill: Children are people. The librarian in the Community. London: Hamish Hamilton 1973

Susan Hill / Lydia Halverson (Ill.): Stuart at the library. HarperCollins 2001
– ältere, rundliche, nicht gerade top-moderne, aber freundliche Bibliothekarin gibt der Maus Stuart Little Auskunft.

Judith Winship Hollands / Dee DeRosa: The rescue of the red-blooded librarian. New York: Pocket Books 1989 (The Ketchup sisters)

Gloria M. Houston / Susan Condie La[Illustratorin]: Miss Dorothy’s Bookmobile. Harpercollins 2002

Rebecca Hunter / Chris Fairclough (Photograph): Librarian. Cherrytree Books 2005 (= People Who Help Us)

Judith Jango-Cohen: Librarians. Minneapolis: Lerner 2005

Enid Johnson: Nancy runs the bookmobile. Messner 1956 (= A Romance for young moderns)

Jean Johnson: Librarians A to Z. New York: Walker 1988
-The letters of the alphabet introduce aspects of the work of librarians, including art, desks, exhibits, files, and glue.

Patricia Irene Johnson: Dinner for the dragon. Steck-Vaughn 1992 (= Highgate collection)

Eric A. Kimmel / Blanche Sims (Ill.): I took my frog to the library. Puffin Books 1992

Francine Klagsbrun / Dan Nevins (Ill.): Read about the librarian. New York: F. Watts 1970
– Briefly traces the history of libraries and describes the training and duties of public, school, college, and special librarians

Cynthia Fitterer Klingel: School Librarians. Rourke 2001 (= Go to …)

Michelle Knudsen / Kevin Hawkes [Ill.]: Library lion. Candlewick Press 2006 / Walker Books 2006 / Candlewick 2009

Jan Kottke: A day with a librarian. Children’s press 2000
– einfach formuliertes Berufskundebuch für Kinder. Tätigkeiten werden anhand der freundlichen Schulbibliothekarin Mrs Napolitano dargestellt. Außerdem wird die Aussprache verschiedener Wörter (library, catalogue etc.) behandelt.

Patricia Lakin / John Manders [Ill.]: Clarence the Copy Cat. New York: Dragonfly Books 2002

Laura Leone: Choosing a career in information science. New York: Rosen 2002 (= World of Work)

Dan Liebman: I Want to Be a Librarian. Firefly 2003
– Berufskundebuch für Kinder, das eine breite Palette an Tätigkeiten darstellt und Minderheiten besonders berücksichtigt

Dan Liebman: Quiero ser bibliotecario. Firefly 2003

Margaret Mahy / Quentin Blake [Ill.]: The librarian and the robbers. Penguin 1981
Französische Ausgabe: L’enlèvement de la bibliothécaire
– einfach spitze!

Heather Miller: Bibliotecario. Chicago: Heinemann 2002 (= Esto Es Lo Que Quiero)

Heather Miller: Librarian. Chicago: Heinemann 2003

Judy Monroe: A Day in the Life of a Librarian. First Facts Books 2004 (= First Facts: Community Helpers at Work) / Mankato: Capstone Press 2005

Pat Mora: Tomas and the Library Lady. Knopf Books for young readers 1997

Allen Morgan / Michael Martchenko (Ill.): Matthew and the Midnight Pirates. Fitzhenry & Whiteside 2005

Ann Morris / Peter Linenthal (Photogr.): That’s Our Librarian! Millbrook Press 2003 (= That’s Our School)

Carla Morris / Brad Sneed [Ill.]: The Boy Who Was Raised by Librarians. Peachtree 2007

David Paige / Roger Ruhlin (Photogr.): A Day in the Life of a Librarian. Troll Communications 1985

Dee Ready: Bibliotecarios y Bibliotecarias. Bridgestone Books 1999 (= Servidores Comunitarios)

Dee Ready: Librarians help. Capstone Press 2013

Margret Rey / H.A. Rey / Martha Weston [Ill.]: Curious George visits the Library. Boston: Houghton Mifflin 2003

Gillian Rubinstein / David Mackintosh: Prue Theroux: the Cool Librarian. Sydney: Red Fox 2002
– „New book, story of a popular school librarian and why the kids think she is great. Children’s picture book, rhyming text“ (ZVAB).

Margriet Ruurs: My Librarian Is a Camel: How Books Are Brought to Children Around the World. Boyds Mills Press 2005

Lola M. Schaefer: Library. Chicago: Heinemann Library 2001 (= Who works here?)

Judy Sierra / Marc Brown [Ill.]: Wild About Books. Frances Lincoln Childrens Books 2007
– „In this rollicking story, librarian Molly McGrew accidentally drives her bookmobile into the zoo, and then the fun begins! “ (Booklist)

Charnan Simon: Librarians. Chanhassen: Child’s World 2003 (= Wonder Books: Level 3 Careers)

Franz S. Sklenitzka: Die Bibliothek. Ein Spiel- & Leseabenteuer. St. Pölten: Niederösterreichisches Pressehaus 2000

Marjan De Smet / Marja Meijer: Abgeschlossen. Lappan 2001
– spielt in einer Bibliothek, Bibliothekarin kommt nur kurz vor und wird als „Dame von der Ausleihe“ bezeichnet.

Nancy Smiler Levinson / Carolyn Croll (Ill.): Clara and the bookwagon. Harper 1991
– Illustriertes Kinderbuch, das die wahre Geschichte einer amerikanischen Bibliothekarin erzählt, die die erste mobile Bibliothek im US-Bundesstaat Maryland betrieben hat. Außerdem werden Analphabetismus und Leseförderung thematisiert.

Jessica Spanyol (Ill.): Carlo and the Really Nice Librarian. Candlewick Press 2004
– Bibliothekarin ist ein Krokodil

Jessica Spanyol: Clive is a librarian. Swindon: Child’s play 2017

Sarah Splaver: Some Day I’ll Be a Librarian. Hawthorn Books 1967
– Includes: Libby and Larry Visit the Library; When Did Book Collecting and Borrowing Begin?; Who Are the Librarians?; What Are Librarians Like?; How Do You Prepare for a Library Career?; Which Public Does the Public Librarian Serve?; Who Are the School and College Librarians?; What is Special About the Special Librarians?; Were Men Meant for Librarianship?; Why be in the library profession?

Alexander Stadler: Beverly Billingsly Borrows a Book. Silver Whistle 2002
– Illustriertes Kinderbuch. Greift die Thematik der zu spät zurückgebrachten Bücher auf.

Alexander Stadler: Beverly Billingsly Can’t Catch. Silver Whistle Books 2004
– Librarian Mrs. Del Rubio encourages Beverly to stop researching softball and start practicing

George Edward Stanley / Sal Murdocca (Ill.): Don’t look a ghost horse in the mouth. New York: Aladdin Paperbacks 1997
– The horse that shows up at Emily’s new house is a ghost, and the mystery it presents leads to discoveries about the librarian at her new school.

Paul Stewart / Chris Riddell: Rook und der schwarze Mahlstrom. Sauerlaender 2005 (= Die Klippenland-Chroniken 6)
– Teil der Reihe „Klippenland-Chroniken“ / „Edge chronicles“, der sich um den Bibliotheksritter Rook Barkwater dreht

Sarah Stewart / David Small (Ill.): The Library. A Sunburst Book. Sagebrush 2001

R.L. Stine: The Girl Who Cried Monster. Bt Bound 2001 / Scholastic 2005

Lee Striker: Revenge of the Vampire Librarian. Random House 1997 (= Hair-raisers Series)
– The new librarian at Glenbrook Primary School is very bad news, for she demands absolute silence, and woe betide anyone whose books are overdue. The news is particularly bad for Ben Lombardi, who has many books that are years overdue. What should he do?

Mike Thaler / Jared Lee (Ill.): The Librarian from the Black Lagoon. Scholastic 1997

Mike Thaler / Jared Lee: Cannon the Librarian. HarperCollins Juvenile 1993

Boriana Todorov / Vladimir Todorov: The moon rock. Simply Read Books 2007

Deborah Underwood: Librarian. KidHaven Press 2005 (= Exploring Careers)

Elizabeth Vogel: Meet the Librarian. PowerKids Press 2002

Virginia Voight / Haris Petie [Ill.]: I know a librarian. New York : G.P. Putnam’s Sons 1966

Suzanne Williams / Steven Kellogg (Ill.): Library Lil. Dial books 1997

Pat Willimont: The Chalet School Librarian. England Matador 2005

Jeanette Winter: The Librarian of Basra: A True Story from Iraq. Harcourt 2005

zuletzt aktualisiert am 12. August 2017