Berufsbild – D

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Alyson Dalby: „Negotiating Salary Packages„. In:, Juli 2005

Penny Dale / Matt Holland / Marian Matthews (Hrsg.): Subject librarians: Engaging with the learning and teaching environment. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing 2006

Penny Dale: „Professional engagement: The subject specialist in higher education“. In Penny Dale / Matt Holland / Marian Matthews (Hrsg.): Subject librarians: Engaging with the learning and teaching environment. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing 2006

Rebecca Dale: „The new librarian’s roadmap: at the crossroads of expectation and reality„. In: The Australian Library Journal 65 (2016) 4, S. 262-267

Myrna Dalzell Lyng: The selection of student assistants for the small college library. MA Thesis, University of Minnesota, 1968

Ione T. Damasco / Dracine Hodges: „Tenure and Promotion Experiences of Academic Librarians of Color„. In: College & Research Libraries 73 (2012) 3, S. 279-301

Edilson Damasio / Rose M. J. Longo: „O profissional da informação na indústria: habilidades e competências“. In: Proceedings des XII. Seminário nacional de bibliotecas universiarias 2002

Farshid Danesh / Rahmatollah Fattahi / Mohammad Hossein Dayani: „Stratification of Iranian LIS academics in terms of visibility, effectiveness and scientific and professional performance: Research report Part 1„. In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 49 (2017) 2

Richard A. Danner: „Redefining a Profession„. In: Law Library Journal 90 (1998), S. 315-356

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Richard L. Darling / Henry T. Drennan: Library manpower, occupational characteristics of public and school librarians. Washington: Office of Education 1966

Radhagovind Das: „Staff pattern in the college libraries of Orissa“. In: Indian Library Movement 5 (1978) 4, S. 107 – 110

Carolyn Date: „Volunteers: use or abuse?“. In: Health Libraries Review 7 (1990) 3, S. 136 – 140

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N. Davey / T. Andrews: „Implications of faculty status for university librarians, with special attention to tenure“. In: The journal of academic librarianship 4 (1978) 2, S. 71 – 74

UBW Indra David / Mary Jane Scherdin: „Librarians in transition : profiles on the Strong Interest Inventory“. In: Mary Jane Scherdin (ed): Discovering librarians. ACRL 1994

Indra Mary David: A study of the occupational interests and personality types of librarians. Wayne State University, PhD, 1990

Lily Mary David / US Bureau of Labor Statistics: Economic status of library personnel, 1949. Chicago: ALA 1950

Lourdes T. David / Dante R. Perez: „An assessment of the perception of licensed librarians about their academic preparation and satisfaction in their job as librarians“. In: C. Khoo / D. Singh / A.S. Chaudhry (Hrsg.): Proceedings A-LIEP 2006: Asia-Pacific Conference on Library & Information Education & Practice 2006, S. 416 – 422 [Abstract/html; Volltext/pdf]

Frances Davidson-Arnott / Susan Marshall: „The Library Technician Job Market is Sizzling – Help Us Keep You Well-Staffed!“ In: The Courier 37 (1999) 2

Denise M. Davis: „Library salaries: Have they kept pace with inflation?“. In: American Libraries 36 (2005) 9, S. 72

Denise M. Davis: „Librarian salaries in the USA: the impact of revenue redistribution on library recruitment“. In: VINE 35 (2005) 4, S. 188 – 195

Denise M. Davis: „Library Support Staff Job Titles“, 2004

Donald G. Davis / Gregory A. Smith (Hrsg.): Christian Librarianship: Essays on the Integration of Faith and Profession. McFarland 2002

DBI / Arbeitsgruppe Berliner Bibliothekare (ed): Berufsbild und Selbstverständnis der Bibliothekare in Deutschland 1994. Berlin: DBI 1995 (DBI-Materialien 141)
– kritische Rezension von Manfred Nagel und Bernward Hoffmann in: Bibliothek. Forschung und Praxis 20 (1996) 1, S. 121 – 123 , Zitat: „Man begnügt sich mit der oberflächlichen Bilanzierung oberflächlicher Sachverhalte und versucht, diese Mängel durch gewagte und vermeintlich tiefschürfende Spekulationen zu kompensieren.“

George Patrick Michael D’Elia: The adjustment of library school graduates to the job environments of librarianship. a test of the need gratification and expectation fulfillment theories of job satisfaction. Thesis, Rutgers University, 1977

Anthony Debons: The Information Professional: survey of an emerging field. New York: Marcel Dekker 1981

GraceAnne A. DeCandido: „Ten Graces for New Librarians“. Commencement address, School of Information Science and Policy, Albany, 19. Mai 1996

Quintus Decimus (= Martin Bollert): „Die Würde des bibliothekarischen Berufes“. In: Preußische Jahrbücher Bd. 121 (1905), S. 504 – 510

Helmut Deckert: „Das geistige Berufsanliegen des mittleren Dienstes“. In: Zentralblatt für Bibliothekswesen 59 (1942) 1/2, S. 52 – 56

JoAnne Deeken / Paula L. Webb / Virginia Taffurelli: „We are All Winners: Training Silents to Millennials to Work as a Team“. In: The Serials Librarian 54 (2008) 3+4, S. 211 – 216

Claire Deeming / Jacqueline Chelin: „Make your own luck: a study of people changing career into librarianship“. In: New Library World 102 (2001) 1, S. 13 – 26

Dennis R. Defa: „Human resource administration in the academic library“. In: Library Administration & Management 22 (2008) 3, S. 138 – 154

Raimund Dehmlow: Der mittlere Dienst im Bibliotheksbereich. Entstehung, gegenwärtige Situation und Perspektiven. Hannover 1994 (= Laurentius Sonderheft 1994)

Jennifer Dekker / Mary Kandiuk (Hrsg.): In Solidarity: Academic Librarian Labour Activism and Union Participation in Canada. Library Juice Press 2014

Shirley L. Dellenback: The special librarian and the chief information officer : a comparison of skills and qualifications. Thesis, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, J.?

Kathleen DeLong: „The Engagement of New Library Professionals in Leadership“. In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 35 (2009) 5, S. 445 – 456

Andrea Delumeau: „Telecommuting for Librarians„. In:, November 2006

Robert F. Delzell: Finding a position: strategies for library school graduates. Champaign: Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1982 ( = Occasional papers 153)

Gerard E. Dempsey / Janet N. Petsche: „Library Law: Library Dress Codes: Keeping Up Appearances“, North Suburban Library System, 8. Februar 2007

Kathy Dempsey: „Librarians as Authors – what a concept„. In: Computers in Libraries 21 (2001) 10

Paula R. Dempsey: „Interactive Service and Professional Culture: Academic Reference Librarians in an Emerging Context„. In: Advances in Library Administration and Organization 24 (2006), S. 91 – 116

Ellen Gay Detlefsen / Josephine E. Olson: „The Librarian and the Leaver: Who Leaves the Profession?“. In: Journal of education for library and information science / 31 (?) 4=Spring, S. 275

Ellen Gay Detlefsen: „Getting on the Fast Track, or How to get an MLIS Through Distance Education, with a Specialization in Medical Librarianship„. In: Medical Reference Services Quarterly 23 (2004) 4, S. 87

Rajashekhar S. Devarai / L. S. R. C. V. Ramesh: „Librarianship and the professional model: A sociological tutorial and critique“. In: Library Science with a slant to Documentation and Information Studies 36 (1999) 3, S: 155 – 164

Barbara I. Dewey: Library jobs: how to fill them, how to find them. Phoenix: Oryx Press 1987

Barbara I. Dewey / Loretta Parham (Hrsg.): Achieving Diversity: A How-To-Do-It Manual for Librarians. Neal-Shuman 2006
– Rezension „A Savvy Guide for Dealing With Diversity“ von Gwen M. Gregory in: Information Today 24 (2007) 7, S. 48

Melvil Dewey: Qualifications of a librarian. Rules for certificates of circulation and other approved library service. Albany: University of the State of New York, New York State Library School, ca. 1903

Christine DeZelar-Tiedman: „Crashing the party: catalogers as digital librarians“. In: OCLC Systems & Services 20 (2004) 4, S. 145 – 147

Heinrich Dicke: „Schlußwort. An den Bibliotheks-Sekretär Bruno Haas“. In: Bücherei und Bildungspflege 2 (1922) 1/2, S. 19 – 20 [I 313 401]

Katherine Murphy Dickson: „A work journal“. In: Library Trends 50 (2002) 4, S. 687 – 701

Peter Didszun: „Weder Wissenschaftler noch Verwaltungsbeamter : der wissenschaftliche Bibliothekar im Berufsfeld Bibliothek. Anmerkungen zur jüngsten Debatte um das Berufsbild“. In: Bibliotheksdienst 32 (1998) 8, S. 1352 – 1361

Katharine Smith Diehl: One librarian. New Brunswick: Scarecrow Press 1956

Juris Dilevko / Lisa Gottlieb: „The portrayal of librarians in obituaries at the end of the twentieth century„. In: The Library Quarterly 74 (2004) 2, S. 152 – 180

Juris Dilevko: The Politics of Professionalism: A Retro-Progressive Proposal for Librarianship. Library Juice Press 2009

Gloria Dinerman: „The Angst of Outsourcing“. In: Information Outlook April 1997

Debbi Dinkins / Susan M. Ryan: „Measuring Referrals: The Use of Paraprofessionals at the Reference Desk„. In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 36 (2010) 4, S. 279 – 286

Bernard Dione: „Pensees provocatrices d’une nouvelle generation de bibliothecaires“. 68th IFLA General Conference and Council „Libraries for Life: Democracy, Diversity, Delivery“, Glasgow, 18. bis 24. August 2002. Gedruckt in: IFLA Journal 28 (2002) 5+6, S. 256 – 258 [pdf: französisch; englisch]

G. Divay / A. M. Ducas / N. Michaud-Oystryk: „Faculty perceptions of librarians at the University of Manitoba“. In: College & research libraries 48 (1987) 1, S. 27 – 35

John J. Doherty: „Towards Self-Reflection In Librarianship: What Is Praxis?“. In: Progressive librarian 26 (2005/2006)

John Doherty: „Towards Self-Reflection in Librarianship: What is Praxis?“. In: Alison Lewis (Hrsg.): Questioning Library Neutrality: Essays from Progressive Librarian. Library Juice Press 2008

Wanda V. Dole / Jitka M. Hurych / Wallace C. Koehler: „Values for librarians in the information age: an expanded examination„. In: Library Management 21 (2000) 6, S. 285-297

María Domingo-del-Valle / María-Isabel Ubieto-Artur: „Situación laboral de los diplomados en biblioteconomía y documentación por la Universidad de Zaragoza (1992-2006)“. In: El Profesional de la Informacion 17 (2008) 6, S. 648 – 656

Mary Jane Donaldson / John F. Harvey: „Library School Instructor Evaluation„. In: College & Research Libraries 27 (1966) 6, S. 470-477
* „Since 1960 students have been asked .to evaluate all courses taken in the Drexel library school. Results of the evaluations are tabulated and implications are discussed; they are also compared with similar studies in other disciplines and at other institutions. Summer school courses were better liked than those taken during the year; women instructors scored higher than men; courses in specialized library work ranked higher than others.“

Mary Donohue: „The Autobiography of a Modern Community College Librarian“. In: Computers in Libraries 21 (2001) 10, S. 44 ff.

G. Kim Dority: Rethinking Information Work. A Career Guide for Librarians and Other Information Professionals. Greenwood Press 2006

Joan Dorn Clarke: Your future as a librarian. New York: Richards Rosen Press 1963

Daniel G. Dorner: „The impact of digital information resources on the roles of collection managers in research libraries“. In: Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services 28 (2004) 3, S. 249 – 274

Larry D. Dorrell / V. Lonnie Lawson: „What Are Principals‘ Perceptions of the School Library Media Specialist?“. In: NASSP Bulletin 79 (1995) 573, S. 72 – 80

Irene Doskatsch: „Perceptions and perplexities of the faculty-librarian partnership: an Australian perspective“. In: Reference Services Review 31 (2003) 2, S. 111 – 121

Marjory Doud: „The inarticulate library assistant“. In: Library Journal 45 (1920), S. 487 – 498

Richard M. Dougherty: „Faculty Status: Playing on a Tilted Field“. In: Journal of Academic Librarianship, May 1993, S. 67

Sarah Dougherty: „From Buns to Bytes: Is the Image of Librarians Changing?“. In: The Bayline, Official Bulletin of the SLA San Francisco Bay Region Chapter, Mai/Juni 1999 [online1; online2]

Robert Raymond Douglass: The personality of the librarian. PhD Thesis, University of Chicago, 1957. Mikrofilmreproduktion: Ann Arbor: University Microfilms 1958?

Ronald F. Dow: „Academic librarians: a survey of benefits and responsibilities“. In: College and Research Libraries 38 (1977), S. 218 – 220
– summarizes a survey of 166 librarian positions in forty-one colleges and universities which offer faculty status to librarians

Robert Bingham Downs: The status of American college and university librarians. Chicago, American Library Association 1958 (= ACRL monograph 22). Mikrofilmreproduktion: Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International.

Robert Bingham Downs: „The role of the academic librarian, 1876-1976“. In: College and Research Libraries 37 (1976), S. 491 – 502

Beth Doyle: „Careers in Preservation Librarianship“. In:, Februar 2005

Karen M. Drabenstott: „What’s in a Name? What Happened to the Good Old Librarian?“. cristal-ed Mail List Discussion

Karen M. Drabenstott: „The Dreaded ‚L‘ Word: Emerging Trends in Schools of L* and Information Studies“. cristal-ed Mail List Discussion

G. Drubig: „Die Stellung des Bibliothekars in wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken“. In: Bibliothekar 8 (1954), S. 677 ff.

Celia Drummond: „Embracing diversity: when is a librarian not a librarian?„. In: The Australian Library Journal 65 (2016) 4, S. 274-279

A. M. Ducas / N. M. Oystryk: „Faculty perceptions of librarians at the University of Manitoba“. In: College and Research Libraries 64 (1987), S. 55-74

Bob Duckett: „Reference Work, Staff Selection and General Knowledge“. In: Library Review 38 (1989) 5

Julia Duin: „Libertine Librarians? The old stereotype of librarians is no longer accurate„. In: Insight on the News, 13. Dezember 1999

Wyoma van Duinkerken / Catherine Coker / Margaret Anderson: „Looking Like Everyone Else: Academic Portfolios for Librarians„. In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 36 (2010) 2, S. 166 – 172

Zvjezdana Dukic: „Choice of career in library and information science and past work experience„. In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science, 23. November 2017

Rosemary Ruhig Du Mont / Lois Buttlar / William Caynon: Multiculturalism in Libraries. Greenwood Press 1994

Rosemary Ruhig Du Mont: „Race in American librarianship: Attitudes of the library profession„. In: Journal of Library History 21 (1986), S. 488 – 509

Amy Duncan: „Caught Between the Stacks and a Hard Place: Dealing with Librarian Stereotypes“. In: Louisiana Libraries 66 (2004) 4, S. 3 – 5

Stanislaw Hrabia Dunin-Borkowski: O obowiazkach bibliotekarza (=Von den Pflichten eines Bibliothekars.) Lemberg: Jos. Schnayder 1829

Deirdre Dupré: „The Perception of Image and Status in the Library Profession“. In: NewBreed Librarian, August 2001

Jonathon Dyer: „Seeing Ourselves as Others Do„. In:, September 2003

Ania Dymarz, Marni Harrington: „Consultants in Canadian Academic Libraries: Adding New Voices to the Story„. In: In the library with the lead pipe, 30. Oktober 2019

zuletzt aktualisiert am 11. Juni 2021