Berufsbild – O

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Vanya Oakes: Challenging Careers in the Library World. New York: Julian Mesner 1970

Larry R. Oberg: „The changing role of college librarians“. In College & Research Libraries News 51 (1990), S. 329 – 331

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Ellen O’Brien: „What are we doing right? Why LIS students have chosen our profession“. In: Exlibris 133, März 2002

Lisa O’Connor / Stacey Marien: „Recruiting quality business librarians in a shrinking labor market“. In: The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances 15 (2002) 2, S. 70 – 74

Nanci Oddone: „O profissional da informação e a mediação de processos cognitivos: a nova face de um antigo personagem“. In: Informação & Sociedade: Estudos 8 (1998) 1

Allison Ogden: „Recataloging librarians. We are not all ’sshhh!‘ and no play!“. A collection of talks and resources relating to the image and perception of librarians in the Internet age, 2003 (enthält unter anderem: „a technological history of librarian images“, „what do librarians really do?“)

Helmut Oehling: „Wissenschaftlicher Bibliothekar 2000 – quo vadis? 12 Thesen zur Zukunft des Fachreferenten“. In: Bibliotheksdienst 2 (1998)

Dong-Geun Oh: „Analysis of the factors affecting volunteering, satisfaction, continuation will, and loyalty for public library volunteers: An integrated structural equation model„. In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 51 (2019) 4, S. 894-914

Julie O’Keeffe: „Small College Library Directors: Getting in the Door and Surviving on the Job„. In: College & Research Libraries 59 (1998) 2, S. 140-153

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G.I. Okoye-Ikonta: Some personality characteristics and occupational interests of professional librarians in Nigerian University libraries. Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria, PhD Thesis

Astrid Oliver / Eric Prosser: „Academic Librarianship Without the Degree: Examining the Characteristics and Motivations of Academic Library Professionals„. In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 44 (2018) 5, S. 613-619

Astrid Oliver / Eric Prosser: „Choosing Academic Librarianship: An Examination of Characteristics and Selection Criteria„. In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 43 (2017) 6, S. 526-531

R. Olorunsola, I.J. Ibegbulam: „Flexible working hours for academic librarians in Nigeria“. In: Library Review 52 (2003) 2, S. 70-75

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Antonia P. Olivas (Hrsg.): Choosing to Lead: The Motivational Factors of Underrepresented Minority Librarians in Higher Education. Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries 2017
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Zita Catarina Prates de Oliveira: O bibliotecário e sua auto-imagem. São Paulo: Livraria Pioneira Editora em convênio com o Instituto Nacional do Livro, Fundação Nacional Pró-Memória 1983

Astrid Oliver / Eric Prosser: „Choosing Academic Librarianship: An Examination of Characteristics and Selection Criteria„. In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 43 (2017) 6, S. 526-531

Richard Olorunsola: „Job rotation in academic libraries: the situation in a Nigerian university library„. In: Library Management 21 (2000) 2, S. 94 – 98

Richard Olorunsola / I.J. Ibegbulam: „Flexible working hours for academic librarians in Nigeria“. In: Library Review 52 (2003) 2, S. 70 – 75

Josephine E. Olson / Irene Hanson Frieze / Ellen G. Detlefsen: „Having it all? Combining work and family in a male and a female profession„. In: Sex roles 23 (1990) 9+10, S. 515-533

Joseph Omoniyi: „Factors Influencing Competence and Performance of Reference Librarians in Academic Libraries in Nigeria“. In: The Reference Librarian 37 (2002) 77, S. 169 – 176

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Oluwatobi I. Omotunde / Gabriel O. Alegbeleye: „Talent management practices and job performance of librarians in university libraries in Nigeria„. In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 47 (2021) 2

Ezra Ondari-Okemwa: „Training needs of practising professional librarians in the Kenyan public university libraries: a critical analysis“. In: Library Management 21 (2000) 5, S. 257 – 268

Anita J. O’Neal: „The relationship of competencies to job descriptions of Georgia’s media specialists. 1988 study“. In: The Georgia Librarian 28 (1991), S. 8 – 9

Merlita M. Opena: „Unity in diversity: toward a common professional vision of health sciences librarianship“. In: Bulletin of the Medical Libraries Association 84 (1996) 1, S. 105 – 107

Charles Oppenheim / Natalie Pollecutt: „Professional associations and ethical issues in LIS„. In: Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 32 (2000) 4, S. 187 – 203

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Jennifer Osborn: „Developing Teaching and Training Skills“. In:, March 2007

Achim Oßwald: „Führungskräfte für Bibliotheken und Informationswirtschaft“. In: medizin-bibliothek-Information 2 (2002) 1, S. 27 – 31

Achim Oßwald: „Qualifizierungsprofile Wissenschaftlicher Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare: Unterschiede gängiger Qualifizierungswege„. In: o-bib 2 (2015) 3

Joanne Oud: „Systemic Workplace Barriers for Academic Librarians with Disabilities„. In: College & Research Libraries 80 (2019) 2, S. 169-194

C. Oursel: „La situation des bibliothécaires municipaux“. In: Bulletin de l’Association des bibl. Français 1 (1907), S. 65 – 68

zuletzt aktualisiert am 22. März 2021