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Zheng Ye Yang: „Chinese American librarians job survey„. In: Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences 34 (1996) 2, S. 111 – 123

Zheng Ye Lan Yang: „Present-Day Attitudes of African American Librarians Towards Their Profession and Work Environment„. In: Public library quarterly 17 (1999) 2, S. 35 – 46

Kathryn Yelinek / Marilou Hinchclif: „Accidental government documents librarian: A review of experiences and training needs of interim documents librarians„. In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 35 (2009) 1, S. 46 – 56

P. R. Young: „Librarianship: A changing profession“. In: Daedalus (Fall 1996), S. 103 – 125

Paula Younger: „LIS salaries: cause for concern?“. In: Library and Information Research News 26 (2002) 82, S. 43 – 53

Atif Yousef: „Faculty Attitudes Toward Collaboration with Librarians„. In: Library Philosophy and Practice 2010

Amy York: „Should You Take a Temp Job?„. In: LIScareer, March 2006