Texte, die sich explizit mit der Rolle, den Eigenschaften, den Karrierechancen… von Männern im Bibliothekswesen beschäftigen.
Veröffentlichungen, die sich explizit mit Männern UND Frauen bzw. LBGTIQ-Personen (z.B. Vergleiche der geschlechtsspezifischen Fähigkeiten und Talente) befassen, werden sowohl hier als auch auf der Seite „Bibliothekarinnen“ eingetragen.
Allan Angoff: „The male librarian – an anomaly?“ In: Library Journal, 15. Februar 1959, S. 553 bis 556
Jane Baack / Norma Carr-Ruffino / Monique Pelletier: “Making It to the Top: Specific Leadership Skills – A Comparison of Male and Female Perceptions of Skills Needed by Women and Men Managers”. In: Librarian Career Development 2 (1994)1, S. 16 ff.
Patricia Bernice Huff Ball: African American male library administrators in public and academic libraries. A descriptive study. University of Pittsburgh, PhD Thesis, 1992
Monika Bargmann / Nadine Friedrichs / Julia Hellmich / Meike Schröder: „Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare in Belletristik und Film“. In: Ute Krauß-Leichert (Hrsg.): Interkulturelles Online-Lernen. Münster: Lit-Verlag 2005 (= Gender Studies in den Angewandten Wissenschaften 1), S. 113 – 218
Monika Bargmann / Nadine Friedrichs / Julia Hellmich / Meike Schröder: „Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare in Belletristik und Film“. Seminararbeit für das Seminar „Die Rolle der Frau in Bibliotheken und Informationseinrichtungen“ [Volltext/pdf]
F. Barlow: „Why men become librarians“. In: Library World 37 (1934/35), S. 278 – 282
Barbara J. Bergman: „Looking at electronic resources librarians: Is there gender equity within this emerging specialty?„. In: New Library World 106 (2005) 3+4, S. 116 – 127
Linda Bergström / Marie Böngren: Manliga bibliotekariers upplevelser av att jobba inom ett kvinnodominerat yrke. Borås: Högskolan i Borås, Bibliotekshögskolan 2005
Marylaine Block: „Being an anomaly: male librarians“. In: Exlibris 107, Juli 2001
Albert Bowron: „Statistics tell the tale: men still getting top jobs“. In: Canadian Library Journal 44 (1987) 4. S. 211 – 212
Judith Schiek Braunagel: „Job mobility of men and women librarians and how it affects career advancement“. In: American Libraries 10 (1979), S. 643 – 647
Z. Brozmannova / H. Krizanova: „Male and female librarians“. In: Citatel 24 (1975) 2, S. 56 – 58
Maria Brunnsteiner: Befragung über Karrieremuster von Bibliothekaren und Bibliothekarinnen in Österreich. Seminararbeit zum Online-Seminar „Die Rolle der Frau in Bibliotheken und Informationseinrichtungen. Eisenstadt/Hamburg: Fachhochschul-Studiengang Informationsberufe / HAW Hamburg 2002
Gillian Burrington: Equal opportunities in librarianship? Gender and career aspirations. London: Library Association 1987 (= Library Association research publication 24)
Daria O. Carle / Susan H. Anthes: „Gender Images in Library Publications: Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words?“ In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 25 (1999) 2, S. 105 – 110
James V. Carmichael: „Gender Issues in the workplace: male librarians tell their side“. In: American Libraries, March, 25 (1994) 3, S. 227 – 230
James V. Carmichael: „The Male Librarian and the Feminine Image: A Survey of Stereotype, Status, and Gender Perceptions„. In: Library & information science research 14 (1992) 4, S. 411 – 446
James V. Carmichael: “ ‚They sure got to prove it on me‘: Millennial thoughts on gay archives, gay biography, and gay library history“. In: Libraries & Culture 35 (2000) 1, S. 88 – 102
James V. Carmichael: „The Gay Librarian: A Comparative Analysis of Attitudes Towards Professional Gender Issues„. In: Journal of homosexuality 30 (1995) 2, S. 11 (48 pages)
James V. Carmichael / M.L. Shontz: „A ‚despised‘ ’semi-profession‘. Perceptions of curricular content relating to gender and social issues among 1993 MLIS/MLS graduates„. In: Journal of Education for Library & Information Science 38 (1997) 2, S. 98 – 115
Birgitte Dalgaard: „Mand i en kvindeverden“. In: Bibliotekspressen 5 (2005), S. 10 – 12
= „A man in a woman’s world“
Thad E. Dickinson: „Looking at the Male Librarian Stereotype„. In: Reference librarian 78 (2002), S. 97 – 111
Thad E. Dickinson: „Looking at the male librarian stereotype“. In: Wendi Arant / Candace R. Benefiel (eds): The image and role of the librarian. Haworth Information Press 2003
David Ray Dowell: The relation of salary to sex in a female dominated profession. Librarians employed at research universities in the South Atlantic Census Region. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, PhD Thesis, 1986
U.S. Edem: „The gender factor in publication output of librarians in Nigerian universities“. In: African Journal of Library, Archives and Information Science 5 (1995) 1, S. 25 – 30
Linda Fischer / Mary Ann Wasylycia-Coe / Sherrill Cheda / Phyllis Yaffe: The career paths of male and female librarians in Canada. Report to the Canada Council [keine näheren bibliographischen Angaben verfügbar]
William Fisher: „The Question of Gender in Library Management„. In: Library Administration and Management 11 (1997), S. 231 – 236
Randy Gatley: Mr. Lady – the male librarian. Paper for the course LIBR 500 at the University of British Columbia, submitted 16. April 2004 [nicht mehr online]
Nicholas E. Gaymon: „The Tedious but Rewarding Professional Journey of a Negro, Colored, Black and African American Male Librarian„. In: Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences 36 (1999) 3, S. 305 – 318
– On the director of the Florida A&M University Library
Rachel Singer Gordon: „The Men Among Us„. In: Library Journal, 15. Juni 2004 [Volltext/html]
– Most male NextGens stumbled into librarianship, though they took various routes to the profession. Some, like Joe Hardenbrook, 25, a reference librarian at Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, TX, explain that stereotypes prevented them from considering librarianship earlier. „To be totally honest,“ Hardenbrook says, „I didn’t know a guy could become a librarian until I saw my first male librarian in college.
Joy Marilyn Greiner: A comparative study of the career development patterns of male and female library administrators in large public libraries. PhD Thesis, Florida State University 1984
Kathleen M. Heim (=Kathleen de la Peña McCook): „Männer machen Karriere. Gründe für die Statusunterschiede zwischen männlichen und weiblichen Bibliothekaren“. In: Buch und Bibliothek 39 (1987), S. 41 – 45
Kathleen M. Heim / A.H. Perrault: “Gender-based factors contributing to the selection of university administrators”. In: Journal of education for library and information science 32 (1991) 3+4, S. 222 – 233
Andrew Hickey: „Cataloguing Men: Charting the Male Librarian’s Experience through the Perceptions and Positions of Men in Libraries„. In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 32 (2006) 3, S. 286 – 295
Adam Holland: „Gender Bias in Libraries?“. In: Library Journal 132 (2007) 1, S. 64
Betty Jo Irvine: Female and male administrators in academic research libraries. Individual and institutional variables influencing the attainment of top administrative positions. PhD Thesis, Indiana University 1982
Clare Jones: „Is the female of the species less ambitious than the male? The career attitudes of students in departments of information and library studies“. In: Journal of librarianship and information science 31 (1999) 1, S. 7 – 19
Christine A. Korytnyk: „Comparison of the publishing patterns between men and women Ph.D.s in librarianship“. In: Library Quarterly 58 (1988) 1, S. 52 – 65
Nihon Toshokan Kyokai: The status of women and men in Japanese librarianship. A survey of individual members of the Japan Library Association. Tokyo: Japan Library Association 1989
Emmett Lombard: „Gender and Leadership in Academic Libraries„. In: The Journal of Academic Librarianship 44 (2018) 2, S. 226-230
Klaus Jürgen Luettjohann: Männer in einem Frauenberuf. Untersuchung zur Situation männlicher Bibliothekare an Hamburger Öffentlichen Bücherhallen. Hamburg, Fachhochschule, Dipl.-Arb., 1981
R. N. MacVicar: „Libraries Fail Masculine Gender. Women:1000 – Men: 1“. In: Transitions 5 (1985) 5
Patricia Mars: „Gender Demographics and Perception in Librarianship„. In: School of Information Student Research Journal 7 (2018) 2, Article 3
Owen Massey: „‚Check Out Those Buns‘; or, What do You Say to a Male Librarian?“. In: Katia Roberto / Jessamyn West (eds.): Revolting Librarians Redux. McFarland & Company 2003, S. 142 – 144
Kathleen de la Peña McCook (=Kathleen Heim): „Determinants of Gender Stratification in the Library Profession“. In: Rejean Savard (ed): Personnel: Key to Successful Public Service. Montreal: Corporation des Bibliothecaires Professionals du Quebec 1985, S. 31 – 42
Kathleen de la Peña McCook: „Factors Contributing to a Continued Status Differentiation Between Male and Female Librarians“. In: Darlene Weingand (ed): Women in Library Management: Theories, Skills, and Values. Ann Arbor: Pierian Press 1982, S. 3 – 13
Kathleen de la Peña McCook / Carolyn Kacena: „Sex, Salaries, and Library Support, 1979“. In: The Bowker Annual of Library and Book Trade Information, 25. Aufl. New York: R.R. Bowker 1980, S. 334 – 344
Brian Moore: „A man in a women’s profession“. In: The Courier 33 (1996) 3 (Special Libraries Association – Toronto Chapter) [nicht mehr online]
Barbara B. Moran: Career progression of male and female academic library administrators. PhD Thesis, State University of New York at Buffalo 1982
Locke J. Morrisey / Donald O. Case: “There Goes My Image: The Perception of Male Librarians By Colleague, Student, and Self”. In: College and Research Libraries 49 (September 1988)
Ralph Munn: „It’s a Mistake to Recruit Men“. In: Library Journal 74 (1949), S. 1639 – 1640
Audrey Powderly Newcomer / Robert A. Pisciotta: „Career progression of academic medical library directors„. In: Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 77 (1989) 2, S. 185 – 195
DarLynn Nemitz: „Male Librarians: Stereotypes and Role Models„, 2001
N.N.: „Male and Female Students in Information Faculties: Interview with Diane Dineen and Karen Melville“. In: The Courier 33 (1996) 3 [nicht mehr online?]
N.N.: Librarianship as a profession for college trained men and women. A three-fold appeal : a profession of books and scholarship, a field for high administrative ability, a constructive social service. 2nd ed. Chicago: American Library Association 1927
Brigg C. Nzotta: „Factors Associated with the Job Satisfaction of Male and Female Librarians in Nigeria„. In: Library and Information Science Research 7 (1985) 1, S. 75 – 84
H. Olson / T. Samek: „Library and information studies faculty in Canada. A sex ratio study“. In: Journal of Education for Library and Information Science 36 (1995) 2, S.155 – 169
Michael D. Ornstein: „The Gender Gap in the Pay of Faculty & Librarians„. Originally published in Active Voice, September 1995
Nancy Patricia O’Brien: “The Recruitment of Men into Librarianship Following World War II”. In: Kathleen M. Heim (ed.): The Status of Women in Librarianship: Historical, Sociological and Economic Issues, New York: Neal-Schuman 1983), S. 51 – 66
Sheila Pantry: „Males wanted!“ In: Information Management Report April 1991, S. 16 – 17
Joanne Passet: „Men in a Feminized Profession: the Male Librarian, 1887-1921“. In: Libraries & Culture 28/1993, S. 385 – 402
Paul S. Piper / Barbara E. Collamer: „Male Librarians: Men in a Feminized Profession„. In: Journal of academic librarianship 27 (2001) 5, S. 406 – 411
Rosslyn Reed: „From librarian to information scientist: technology and occupational change in a traditional woman’s occupation“. Beitrag zur 8th Annual International Conference of the Gender and Science and Technology Association [nicht mehr online?]
Barbara Quint: „Gender Equity in Salaries Achieved for Some Information Professionals, but Not for Others“. In: Information Today, Dezember 1999
Arnold P. Sable: „The Sexuality of the Library Profession. The Male and Female Librarian“. In: Wilson Library Bulletin 43 (1969) 8, S. 748 – 751
W.S. Siebert / A. Young: „Sex and family status differentials in professional earnings: the case of librarians“. In: Scottish Journal of Political Economy 30 (1983) 1, S. 18 – 41
Ruth Simpson: „Men in Non-Traditional Occupations: Career Entry, Career Orientation and Experience of Role Strain“. In: Gender, Work and Organization 12 (2005) 4, S. 363 – 380
– beschäftigt sich mit nurses, cabin crew, librarians, primary school teachers
Ruth Simpson: „Masculinity at Work. The Experiences of Men in Female Dominated Occupations„. In: Work, Employment & Society 18 (2004) 2, S. 349 – 368
Gerry Mailand Taylor: Vocational interests of male librarians in the United States. M.L.S. Thesis, University of Texas 1955. Mikrofilmreproduktion: Englewood: Microcard Editions 1970
Polly Thistlethwaite: „Old Maids and Fairies: The Image Problem“. In: Katia Roberto / Jessamyn West (eds.): Revolting Librarians Redux. McFarland & Company 2003, S. 92 – 94
Elizabeth A. Titus: A recommended methodology for determining the disparity between women’s salary levels and those of men in the librarian professorate in an academic library setting. PhD Thesis, Northern Illinois University, 1998
Elizabeth A. Titus: „A recommended methodology for determining the disparity between women’s salary levels and those of men in the librarian professorate in an academic library setting„. In: Edward D. Garten / Delmus E. Williams (Hrsg.): Advances in Library Administration and Organization (Advances in Library Administration and Organization, Volume 18) Emerald 2001, S. 123-173
Julie Voelck: „Directive and connective: gender-based differences in the management styles of academic library managers„. In: Portal: Libraries and the Academy 3 (2003) 3, S. 393 – 418
Susanne Patterson Wahba: „Women in libraries: part I-job satisfaction of librarians: a comparison between men and women; part II-women in libraries: a longitudinal study of career pay of men and women librarians“. In: Law Library Journal 69 (1976) 2, S. 223 – 231
Herbert S. White: „Library Managers-Female and Male„. In: Library Journal 112 (1987) 2, S. 58 – 59
Todd J. Wiebe: „Issues Faced by Male Librarians: Stereotypes, Perceptions, and Career Ramifications“. In: Colorado Libraries Sept. 2004, S. 11 – 13
Christine L. Williams: Still a Man’s World: Men Who Do „Women’s Work“. Berkeley: University of California Press 1995
Christine L. Williams: „The Glass Escalator: Hidden Advantages for Men in the ‚Female‘ Professions„. In: Social Problems 39 (1992) 3, S. 253 – 267 [Abstract/html]
Joseph S. Winters: The inventoried interests of male librarians. Thesis, NY University 1962
zuletzt aktualisiert am 2. Jänner 2019