Ich recherchiere mittlerweile seit fast zwanzig Jahren Jahren zum Thema Berufsbild Bibliothekar_in und habe hier eine Liste mit nützlichen Suchbegriffen aus verschiedenen Online-Datenbanken zusammengetragen.
- Ausbildung
- Beruf
- Berufsausbildung
- Berufsaussicht
- Berufsbild
- Berufsethik
- Berufswahl
- Bibliothekar
- Höherer Bibliotheksdienst
- Personal
- Studium
- Weiterbildung
Emerald Insight
- career development
- careers
- codes of practice
- competences
- employee attitudes
- employment
- information profession
- job satisfaction
- job titles
- knowledge workers
- librarians
- librarianship
- personality
- professional qualification
- professionalism
- secondment
- skills
- stress
- training
- career choice
- career development
- librarian attitudes
- librarians
- library administrators
- library clerks
- library directors
- library education
- library employees
- library management
- library personnel
- library specialists
- library technical assistants
- library technicians
- nontraditional occupations
- occupational aspiration
- occupational satisfaction
- professional recognition
- promotion (occupational)
- vocational interests
- vocational maturity
- work attitudes
- work ethic
- work experience
- work satisfaction
- working conditions
- working women
- Arbeitsablauf
- Arbeitsmarkt
- Ausbildung
- Berufsfragen
- Fort- und Weiterbildung
- Management
- Organisation
- Personalfragen
Fachordnung: Status issues, wage matters and professional associations of personnel in information and documentation, librarianship and archivistics |
- academic status
- career prospects
- deputy librarians
- employment opportunities
- job descriptions
- library staff
- manpower planning
- paraprofessionals
- profession
- recruitment
- salaries
- supply and recruitment
- women
- working conditions
- career development
- employee selection
- librarians in motion pictures
- library employees
- vocational guidance
- women executives
- women librarians
- women in library science
- women library administrators
verwendete Quellen und Suchmittel
Ingenta, Findarticles, ScienceDirect, OCLC FirstSearch, Printausgaben der Zeitschriften in der Bibliothek der FH Burgenland, GenderInn, GSLIS, Marginal librarian, BiblioMystery, Bibliographie der Buch- und Bibliotheksgeschichte, Proquest, Bibliographie de la documentation et de la bibliothéconomie, LibraryThing, Library Newsletter des
American Reference Center in Wien, LISA, EROMM, The romance reader, Amazon, LIScareer, Science Direct, SciTopia, ZVAB, LISTA, Centralblatt für Bibliothekswesen, E-LIS,, Google Scholar, Google Books, Blackwell Synergy, Emerald, Taylor & Francis, Citeseer, Metager, DOBI, BASE, DoIS.