Fachliteratur | professional publications
Texte zur Bibliotheksnutzung und zum Leseverhalten hochbegabter Kinder und Jugendlicher, zur Bibliotheksarbeit für diese Zielgruppe und über begabte LeserInnen. – Texts about library usage and reading habits of gifted children and YA; library services for gifted children and YA, and precocious readers.
- Joan Abelack: „The Library Media Center in a Specialized Science Secondary School: Stuyvesant High School“. In: Science and Technology Libraries 8 (1988) 3, S. 11 – 19
- Luisa Abellán-Pagnani / Thomas P. Hébert: „Using Picture Books to Guide and Inspire Young Gifted Hispanic Students„. In: Gifted Child Today 36 (2013) 1, S. 47-56
- Debbie Abilock: „Librarians and Gifted Readers: Myths and Facts“. In: Knowledge Quest 27 (1999) 5, S. 31 – 35
- Debbie Abilock: „Alpine Flowers“. In: Knowledge Quest 33 (2004) 2, S. 8 – 9
- M. Adderholdt-Elliott / S.H. Eller: „Counseling students who are gifted through bibliotherapy“. In: Teaching Exceptional Children 22 (1989) 1, S. 26 – 31
- Gloria J. Anderson: The high school librarian and the gifted student. A report of a guided reading program. University of Wisconsin, Library School, Student Paper, 1959
- Margaret A. Anderson / N. Tollefson / E. Gilbert: „Giftedness and reading: A cross-sectional view of differences in reading attitudes and behaviors“. In: Gifted Child Quarterly 29 (1985) 5, 186-189
- Patricia Austin: „Challenging gifted readers“. In: Booklinks April/May 2003, S. 32 – 37
- Virginia L. Bailey: Book selection in public libraries for gifted readers based on the reading of James Agee. University of Minnesota, MA graduate paper, 1964
- David C. Baird, Janet Pilby: Gifted Children Website.
- D. Phillip Baker / David R. Bender: „School library media programs and the gifted and talented“. In: School Library Journal 27 (1981) 6, S. 21 – 25
- Lauren Barack: „Serving Special Learners“. In: School Library Journal 52 (2006) 1, S. 30 8
- Barbara H. Baskin, Karen H. Harris: Books for the gifted child. Bd. 1. New York: Bowker 1980 (Bd. 2 von P. Hauser und G.A. Nelson)
- Lillian Lewis Batchelor (Hrsg.): Reading guidance for the gifted. Proceedings. Los Angeles: Immaculate Heart College, School of Library Science, 1960
- Gary W. Bates: „Developing reading strategies for the gifted: A research-based approach“. In: Journal of Reading 27 (1984), S. 590 – 593
- N.W. Beswick: „The school library and the highly gifted child“. In: School Librarian 17 (1969) 4, S. 349 – 355
- Michael D. Bevan: Improvement of library media center services for the gifted and talented. Brigham Young University, School of Library and Information Sciences, MLS Research Paper, 1981
- Nancy Larson Bluemel: An analysis of the effects of a differentiated program on the library experience of gifted students. Texas Woman’s University, PhD Thesis, 1985
- Joseph Bobel, Jr.: The Attitudes and Preferences of Thirty-Eight Gifted Intermediate Grade Readers toward Their Recreational Reading Habits and a Profile of Their Pre-School Reading Readiness. Kean College of New Jersey, M.A. Thesis, 1981
- Carolyn Sue Brodie: Library programs for the gifted and talented. Differentiated versus traditional. Texas Woman’s University, PhD Thesis, 1988
- Carolyn Sue Brodie: Library programs for the gifted and talented. Differentiated versus traditional. In: School Library Media Quarterly 21 (1992) 1, S. 49 – 53
- Margaret A. Bryant: „Challenging gifted learners through children’s literature“. In: Gifted child today 12 (1989) 4, S. 45 – 48
- Sarah Buchner / Zia Freeman / Karin Morrison / Rene Silbermann: „Responding to the Literacy Needs of Young Gifted Children“. Vortrag bei der Tagung “The Gifted Journey – Reflecting Forward”, Sydney, 2002
- K. Carr: „What gifted readers need from reading instruction“. In: The Reading Teacher 38 (1984), S. 144 – 146
- Jack Cassidy: „Inquiry reading for the gifted“. In: The Reading Teacher, 35 (1981) 1, S. 17 – 21
- R. Catron / N. Wingenbach: „Developing the potential of the gifted reader“. Theory Into Practice 25 (1986) 2, S. 134 – 140
- Sean Cavazos-Kottke: „Five Readers Browsing: The Reading Interests of Talented Middle School Boys“. In: Gifted Child Quarterly 50 (2006) 2
- Larry H. Chrisman / Kay Bishop: „Reading preferences of academically talented students at a ‚parent-controlled‘ private school“. In: School Library Media Quarterly 13 (1985) 3+4, S. 200 – 207
- Corinne P. Clendening / Ruth Ann Davies: Creating Programs for the Gifted: A Guide for Teachers, Librarians, and Students. New York: R. R. Bowker 1980 (=Serving special populations series)
- Norma Decker Collins / Nola Kortner Aiex: ERIC Digest: Gifted Readers and Reading Instruction. Bloomington: ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading English and Communication 1995
- R. Cooter / J. Alexander: „Interest and attitude: Affective connections for gifted and talented readers“. In: Reading World 24 (1984), S. 97 – 102
- K. W. Craver: “The Use of Library Materials and Services by Gifted Students”. In: Roeper Review 9 (1987), S. 162 – 166
- N.L. Crawford / J. Maynard: „Differentiating for Gifted and Talented: School Library Programs in Transition“. Vortrag auf der Tagung „Images in transition“ der Society for the Advancement of Gifted Education, Calgary, 1995
- S. Davis / J. Johns: „Identifying and challenging gifted readers“. In: Illinois Reading Council Journal, 19 (1991) 1, S. 34a – 34d
- Arnold Dock: „Entwurf einer Didaktik für die Schulbibliothek“. In: Schulbibliothek Aktuell 2 (1991), S. 98 – 101
- Sandra Kay Doering: The effects of children’s literature on self-concept of gifted and nongifted students. Oklahoma State University, EdD Thesis, 1985
- Janice A. Dole / Phyllis J. Adams: „Reading curriculum for gifted readers: A survey“. In: Gifted Child Quarterly 27 (1983) 2, S. 64 – 72
- Cindy Dooley: „The Challenge: Meeting the Needs of Gifted Readers“. In: Reading Teacher 46 (1993) 7, S. 546 – 551
- D. Durkin: Children who read early. New York: Teachers College Press 1966
- Lindy Edwards: „Die begaafde leerling in die mediasentrum“. In: Skoolmediasentrum 17 (1985) 1, S. 9 – 12
- Mary K. Eakin: Library materials for gifted children. Cedar Falls: Iowa State Teachers College Library 1959
- Kathryn Farnsworth: „Gifted children and the public library“. In: Bernard S. Miller / Merle E. Price (Hrsg.): The Gifted child, the family, and the community. New York: American Association for Gifted Children 1981
- Marilyn Sue Feigal-Hitch: Bibliotherapy. The use of children’s literature to meet the affective needs of gifted children. Mankato State University, Alternate plan paper, 1986
- Jerry D. Flack: „A new look at a valued partnership: the library media specialist and gifted students“. In: School Library Media Quarterly 14 (1986) 4, S. 174 – 179
- Jerry D. Flack / Pose Lamb: „Making Use of Gifted Characters in Literature„. In: Gifted Child Today 7 (1984) 5, S. 3-11
- Anita G. Foster: An investigation into the reading interests of gifted fourth- and fifth-grade students. University of New York at Buffalo, EdD Thesis, 1985
- Rita Catherine Schoch Foudray: „An investigation of differences in public library usage patterns between gifted adults and members of the general public“. In: University of North Texas, PhD Thesis, 1989
- W. Fowler: „Early stimulation and the development of verbal talents“. In: M. J. A. Howe (Hrsg.): Encouraging the development of exceptional skills and talents. Leicester: British Psychological Society 1990, S. 179 – 210
- Barbara Freedman: „A gift for the gifted: the potential role of the public library“. In: Journal of Youth Services in Libraries 1 (1988) 4, S. 407 – 412
- R. Frezise: „What about a reading program for the gifted?“ The Reading Teacher 31 (1978), S. 742 – 747
- Clara E. Gates: A survey of the librarian’s role in the gifted child program in the Sunnyvale, California school district. San Jose State College, Thesis, 1964
- Margaret O’Brien Gaydos: The school library and the gifted child. Glassboro State College, MA Thesis, 1974
- Gifted Association of Missouri: The Librarian and gifted/talented students. Jefferson: Gifted Association of Missouri 1987 (= Friends of the gifted and talented)
- Marcia K. Gilman: Gifted students and flexible scheduling in the elementary school media center. St. Cloud State University, MS Graduate Paper, 1992
- Philip E. Ginnetti: An analysis of intermediate grade gifted students and their book experiences as preschool children. University of Akron, PhD Thesis, 1989
- Renee Close Goostree: A study of the reading interests and attitudes of fourth, fifth, and sixth grade gifted children in the state of Missouri. Southwest Missouri State University, MEd Thesis, 1981
- Alanna S. Graboyes: „No Gifted Student Left Behind: Building a High School Library Media Center for the Gifted Student„. In: Gifted Child Today 30 (2007) 2, S. 42-51
- Sharon Dianne Guiser: The role of the elementary school media center in challenging gifted and talented students. St. Cloud State University, MS Graduate Paper, 1975
- Norma Lu Hafenstein: „The Relationship of Intellectual Giftedness, Information Processing Style, and Reading Ability in Young Gifted Children“. Vortrag beim Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, (Boston, 16. bis 20. April 1990
- Judith Wynn Halsted: Some of my best friends are books: Guiding gifted readers from pre-school to high school. 2. Aufl. Scottsdale: Great Potential Press 2002
- Judith Wynn Halsted: Some of my best friends are books: Guiding gifted readers from pre-school to high school. 1. Aufl. Dayton: Ohio Psychology Press 1993
* Rezension siehe N.N.: „Bibliotherapy for the gifted – Book Review“ - Judith Wynn Halsted: Guiding gifted readers from preschool through high school. A handbook for parents, teachers, counselors, and librarians. Columbus: Ohio Psychology Publications 1988
- Judith Wynn Halsted: Guiding the gifted reader. ERIC EC Digest #E481, 1995
- Jane Anne Hannigan: Reading, viewing, and listening characteristics of academically talented students. Columbia University, Thesis, 1972
- Helen R. Harper: The role of the elementary school librarian in special education for gifted and talented students. University of Pittsburgh, PhD Thesis, 1981
- Karen H. Harris: Books and the gifted adolescent. Denton: Convention Recording Services 1980
- Rebecca Haslam-Odoardi: „Gifted Readers and Libraries: A Natural Fit“. In: Teacher Librarian 37 (201=) 3, S. 32-36
- P. Hauser / G.A. Nelson: Books for the gifted child. Bd. 2. New York: Bowker (Bd. 1 von Barbara H. Baskin und Karen H. Harris)
- S. Hawkins: „Reading interests of gifted children“. In: Reading Horizons 24 (1983), S. 18 – 22
- Thomas P. Hébert / Richard Kent: „Nurturing social and emotional development in gifted teenagers through young adult literature“. In: Roeper Review 22 (2000) 3, S. 167 – 171
- Thomas P. Hébert: „Meeting the affective needs of bright boys through bibliotherapy“. In: Roeper Review 13 (1991), S. 207 – 212
- Thomas P. Hébert / J.M. Furner: „Helping high ability students overcome math anxiety through bibliotherapy“. In: The Journal of Secondary Gifted Education 8 (1997), S. 164 – 178
- Thomas P. Hébert / Alexander R. Pagnani: „Engaging Gifted Boys in New Literacies„. In: Gifted Child Today 33 (2010) 3, S. 36-45
- Karl V. Hertz / Blanche Janecek: „Libraries Are Important for Gifted Students“. In: NASSP Bulletin 62 (1978) 415, S. 120 – 121
- M. J. A. Howe (Hrsg.): Encouraging the development of exceptional skills and talents. Leicester: British Psychological Society 1990, S. 179 – 210
- Robin Huiras: Elementary school media center services for the gifted in one Wisconsin county. University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, MA Seminar paper, 1985
- Anne E. Impellizzeri / Eunice G. Mullan: „Libraries and Gifted Children: Children’s Views; A Parents View; A Librarian’s View“. In: Top of the News 28 (1971) 1, S. 47 – 57
- Nancy Ewald Jackson: „Precocious Reading Ability: What Does It Mean?“ In: Gifted Child Quarterly 32 (1988) 1, S. 200 – 204
- Nancy Ewald Jackson / C. M. Roller: Reading with young children. Storrs: The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented 1995
- Nancy Ewald Jackson: „Precocious reading in English: Sources, structure, and predictive significance“. In P. Klein / A. J. Tannenbaum (Hrsg.): To be young and gifted. Norwood: Ablex 1992, S. 171 – 203
- Nancy Ewald Jackson: „Understanding giftedness in young children. Lessons from the study of precocious readers“. In: Talent Development: Proceedings from the 1991 Henry B. and Jocelyn Wallace National Research Symposium on Talent Development. Unionville: Trillium Press 1992
- N. Jackson / J. Kearney: „Achievement of precocious readers in middle childhood and young adulthood“. In: Colangelo / Assouline (Hrsg.): Talent Development III. Gifted Psychology Press 1995
- Tanya D. Jackson: Reading attitudes, interests, and habits and their relation to giftedness and gender. University of Alberta, MEd Thesis, 1999
- Barbara T. James: A survey of programs and/or services offered to junior high school gifted and talented students through the school library media center in Arkansas schools. University of Central Arkansas, MSc Professional paper, 1992
- M. Ellen Jay: Library Media Projects for the Gifted. Hamden: Library Professional Publications 1982
* Rezension von Ceil Frey in Gifted Child Today 7 (1984) 1, S. 44 - Kyung-Won Jeon: „Bibliotherapy for Gifted Children„. In: Gifted Child Today 15 (1992) 6, S. 16 – 19
- Anne Johnson: An evaluation of certain attributes of the reading activities and interests of a seventh-grade gifted class as seen through the use of the school library. Adelphi University, MA Thesis, 1960
- Joseph Johnson: „Giftedness: A Handicap to Reading Proficiency“. In: Creative Child and Adult Quarterly 3 (1978) 2, S. 103 – 105
- Sister Josephina: „The Library and the Gifted Pupil“. In: Education 80 (1960) 9, S. 567 („This article discusses the role of library in providing for the gifted students by enriching his background of learning through literature, biography, poetry and fiction“)
- Gail Junion-Metz: „Challenging Gifted Kids“. In: School Library Journal 47 (2001) 6, S. 33
- Mary A. Kappa: A survey of programs offered for the academically talented students at Dobyns-Bennett High School, Kingsport, Tennessee, and the resulting implications for the school library. East Tennessee State University, MA Thesis, 1966
- Dorothy Kersten: Reading habits and interests of gifted intermediate students. St. Cloud State University, MSIM Thesis, 1986
- Moya Kessig / Stephen W. Zsiray: „Library media centers: Playground for the gifted„. In: Gifted child today 12 (1989) 4, S. 26 – 28
- Bertie Kingore: „Gifted Kids, Gifted Characters, and Great Books„. In: Gifted Child Today 24 (2001) 1, S. 30-32
„A gifted 10-year-old reacted to E. L. Konigsburg’s female protagonist From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (1967) by exclaiming: ‚Claudia is so much like me! She’s so bright, she uses logic and plans, but most of all, she wants to do something important with her life. That’s exactly how I feel. I don’t want my life to just be regular.‘ „. - Bertie Kingore: „Reading Instruction for the Primary Gifted Learner“. In: Understanding Our Gifted 15 (2002) 1, S. 12 – 15
- Bertie Kingore: Literature celebrations: catalysts to higher-level book responses. 2. Aufl. Austin: Professional Associates Publishing 2003
- Pat Kissinger: „Recent reference sources on the gifted“. In: Education Libraries 11 (1986) 3, S. 82 – 86
- M. Labuda (Hrsg.): Creative reading for gifted learners: A design for excellence. Newark: International Reading Association 1985
- Sabine Laimer: Leseverhalten und Bibliotheksnutzung von hochbegabten Kindern : Eine Untersuchung anhand von Südtiroler Kindern mit besonderen sprachlichen Fähigkeiten. Eisenstadt, Fachhochschulstudiengang Informationsberufe, Diplomarbeit, 2007
- Pose Lamb et al.: „Research Skills for Gifted Elementary School Pupils„. In: Gifted Child Today 16 (1993) 4, S. 2 – 7
- Ashley W. Larsen: A study of the reading interests of high-ability readers in a North Carolina elementary school. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Information and Library Science, MSc in LS paper, 1999
- Anna T. Lehlbach: Gifted children. A bibliography selected and annotated for librarians who work with them. Newark: Dept. of Libraries and Audio Visual Education 1958
- Phyllis B. Leonard / Paula Kay Montgomery: CUES choose, use, enjoy, share. A model for educational enrichment through the school library media center. 1. Aufl. Littleton: Libraries unlimited 1985 (= Teaching library media research and information skills series). – 2. Aufl. Englewood: Libraries Unlimited 1998 (= Library and information problem-solving skills series).
- Mary Germaine Leonards: Building a reference collection for gifted students in an elementary school library. University of Southwestern Louisiana, Student research paper, 1980
- David Levande: „Gifted Readers and Reading Instruction“. In: CAG Communicator 30 (1999) 1
- David Levande: „Identifying and Serving the Gifted Reader“. In: Reading Improvement 30 (1993) 3, S. 147 – 150
- T. Ley / L. Trentham: „The reading attitudes of gifted learners in grades seven and eight“. In: Journal for the Education of the Gifted 10 (1987) 2, S. 87 – 98
- Marcia Menninger Lowe: A comparison of the reading interests, attitudes, and behaviors of upper elementary identified academically gifted and non-gifted students in the Acadiana region. University of Southwestern Louisiana, MA Thesis, 1983
- Carolyn Doyle Manning: A summer reading and creative writing program for a selected group of academically talented six grade pupils. Trenton State College, MA Thesis, 1962
- Sidney P. Marland: „The Gifted Child and the Library“. In: Top of the News 28 (1971) 1, S. 27 – 28
- C. Martin: „Why some gifted children do not like to read“. In: Roeper Review 7 (1984) 2, S. 72 – 75
- Owen Thomas Paul McGowan: The place of a junior high school library in a major work group for children of superior attainment. Calvin Coolidge College, EdD Thesis, 1960
- Joy H. McGregor: „Cognitive Processes and the Use of Information: A Qualitative Study of Higher-Order Thinking Skills Used in the Research Process by Students in a Gifted Program“. In: School Library Media Annual 12 (1994), S, 124 – 33
- Margaret E. McIntosh: „Helping Children Assess Their OWN Creative Reading Behavior„. In: Gifted Child Today 11 (1988) 2, S. 52-54
- Joseph R. Mills / Nancy Ewald Jackson: „Predictive Significance of Early Giftedness: The Case of Precocious Reading“. In: Journal of Educational Psychology 82 (1990) 3, S. 410 – 419
- Marilyn Ming: The gifted child. A resource handbook for parents and librarians. Edmonton: Alberta Library Board 1979
- M. Moore: „Meeting the Educational Needs of Young Gifted Readers in the Regular Classroom“. In: The Gifted child today 28 (2005) 4, S. 40 – 55
- Deanna Mosch: A novel approach to affective development for gifted students through developmental bibliotherapy. Carthage College Wisconsin, MEd Thesis, 2001
- Sally C. Mueller: Literature-type reading: A program for the gifted child. University of Akron, MEd research problem, 1983
- B. Muller: „The gifted and talented in Liverpool“. In: School Librarian 50 (2002) 1, S. 5 – 8
- National Association for gifted children: „The Importance of Being Early: A Case for Preschool Enrichment“, März 2000
- N.N.: Helping with Reading at Home. An AskERIC Response, July 2003
- N.N.: „Bibliotherapy for the gifted – Book Review“. In: Gifted Child Today Magazine, Winter 2003 – „Books can provide important emotional and intellectual support for gifted children, many of whom face unique issues in their lives due to their special gifts, talents, and abilities“
- N.N.: The Librarian and gifted/talented students. Jefferson City: Gifted Association of Missouri 1987
- N.N.: „A new look at a valued partnership: the library media specialist and gifted students“. In: School Library Media Quarterly 14 (1986) 4, S. 174 – 179
- N.N.: „Library Services to Gifted Youth“. In: Top of the News 38 (1982) 4. S. 301 – 344
- N. Noyes: „Library service to the gifted“. In: Top of the News 28 (1971) 1, S. 23 – 67
- Cynthia Raker Pennington: „Evaluating Books for the Gifted Reader„. In: Gifted Child Today 7 (1984) 5, S. 15-18
- Kristina Peterson: „Summer Programs for Gifted Learners at the College of William and Mary“. In: Gifted Child Today 15 (1992) 4, S. 2 – 8
- Nancy Polette: Gifted books, gifted readers. Literature activities to excite young minds. Englewood: Libraries Unlimited 2000
- Nancy Polette: Books and real life. A guide for gifted students and teachers. Jefferson: McFarland 1984
- Nancy Polette, Marjorie Hamlin: Exploring books with gifted children. Littleton: Libraries Unlimited 1980 – Rezension: James P. Godfrey: „Books and the Gifted“. In: School Library Journal 27 (1981) 9, S. 28
- Louise Wilson Pride: The librarian and the gifted student in the secondary school. East Texas State College, MSLS Thesis, 1961
- Sally M. Reis / Joseph S. Renzulli: „The library media specialist’s role in teaching independent study skills to high ability students“. In: School Library Media Quarterly 21 (1992), S. 27 – 35
- Urška Repinc / Primož Južnič: „Guided Inquiry Projects: Enrichment for Gifted Pupils“. In: School Libraries Worldwide 19 (2013) 1, S. 114-127
- Urška Repinc / Polona Vilar: „Koncepti nadarjenosti: Vidik Šolskega Knjižničarja“ [A Concept of Talent: Aspect of a School Librarian]. In: 56 (2012) 1-2
- Judy F. Richmond: The role of the elementary school library media center as a learning laboratory for the gifted and talented student. University of Wisconsin, Seminar paper, 1986
- Marilyn Robbins: School library use in an accelerated science program for academically talented children. Adelphi University, MA Thesis, 1963
- Jean Rome: „Educating gifted and talented children in Queensland secondary schools“. In: Journal of the School Library Association of Queensland 17 (1985) 1, S. 4 – 7
- Elizabeth Alexandra Romey: A study of common themes in reading selections of gifted girls. Implications for bibliotherapy. University of Georgia, MA Thesis, 2000
- Richard T. Salzer: „Early Reading and Giftedness – some Observations and Questions“. In: Gifted Child Quarterly 28 (1984) 2, S. 95 – 96
- Evelyn Robbins Savitzky: School library services to gifted students in secondary schools. Southern Connecticut State College, MS Thesis, 1966
- Katherine Hirsh Sawyer: Importance of reading guidance for the child gifted in science. Western Reserve Univ., MSLS Thesis, 1956
- Carol L. Schlichter: Book bait. Using books to lure bright students. Mobile: GCT Publication 1994
- Marie D. Schoessler: The reading habits of thirty intellectually gifted children in the sixth grades of the elementary school. University of Louisville, MEd Thesis, 1956
- Robert W. Seney: „The challenge of ‚challenged books‘ „. In: Gifted Child Today Magazine, Frühling 2002 – „The joy of reading offers students the opportunity to explore this wonderful world through books. This seems to be especially true for gifted students. Many, if not most, gifted students are avid readers“
- R. Shafer: „Fostering creative reading at the intermediate level“. In: M. Labuda (Hrsg.): Creative reading for gifted learners: A design for excellence. Newark: International Reading Association 1985, S. 80 – 96
- Joy Sietsema: Incorporating essential elements into a reading curriculum for gifted fourth grade students. Hamline University, MA Thesis, 2001
- Helen Dorothy Simpson: The use of university library materials by a selected group of junior high school students. University of Utah, Dept. of Library Science, MS Thesis, 1959
- Janice Smith: „Media services for gifted students: an overview“. In: School Media Quarterly 8 (1980) 3, S. 161 – 178
- Rita Soltan: „Precocious Readers“. In: MLA Forum 1 (2002) 1, Februar 2002 – „Also remember that these youngsters love to read about people to whom they can relate. Characters that are portrayed as intelligent, talented, resourceful, and/or inventive within a well-developed plot sequence will be more intriguing to the child“
- Tim Spear: The effect of bibliotherapy on the self-esteem of the gifted child. Northeast Missouri State University, MA Thesis, 1996
- Rhona Stainthorp / Diana Hughes: „What happens to precocious readers‘ performance by the age of eleven?“. In: Journal of Research in Reading 27 (2004) 4, S. 357 – 372
- Rhona Stainthorp / Diana Hughes: „An Illustrative Case Study of Precocious Reading Ability“. In: The Gifted child quarterly 48 (2004) 2, S. 107 – 120
- Rhona Stainthorp / Diana Hughes: „Family Literacy Activities in the Homes of Successful Young Readers“. In: Journal of Research in Reading 23 (2000) 1, S. 41 – 54
- Rhona Stainthorp / Diana Hughes: Learning from Children Who Read at an Early Age. New York: Routledge 1999
- L. Stevens: „To each according to his (or her) needs…: working with able children“. In: School Librarian 43 (1995) 1, S. 9 – 10, 13
- Mary Elizabeth Stevens: The recreational reading book choices of gifted children in grades four, five, and six in Dade County, Florida public schools. University of Miami, Thesis, 1977
- Betty Jo Stockton / Marie C. DuChateau: „Working with gifted and talented children“. In: Catholic Library World 55 (1984) 8, S. 346 – 351
- Lyn Street: „The gifted child and the teacher librarian“. In: Australian School Librarian 17 (1980) 1, S. 21 – 26
- Susan I. Swanton: „Minds Alive. What & Why Gifted Students Read for Pleasure“. In: School Library Journal 30 (12984) 7, S. 99 – 102
- Marie McCuistion Thompson: The role of the librarian in educating the gifted child. East Texas State College, MSLS Thesis, 1963
- Rose M. Turner: A curriculum guide in library media skills and media production techniques for gifted and talented students of the second and third grades in Dinwiddie County. Virginia State University, MEd Thesis Project, 1982
- Sya Van Geest: Stretching the limits. The academically superior/gifted student and the library resource centre. Mississauga: Peel Board of Education 1988
- Joan E. Van Nord: The Reading Interests of Gifted Students and Curriculum Adaptations in the Secondary School: A Comparison Over Time. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Curriculum Laboratory College of Education, 1980
- Joyce VanTassel-Baska: „Curriculum Issues: The Importance of Selecting Literature for Gifted Learners„. In: Gifted Child Today 40 (2017) 3, S. 183-184
- H. Thomas Walker: „Media services for gifted learners“. In: School Media Quarterly 6 (1978) 4, S. 253 – 254, 259 – 263
- Truda T. Weil: Teaching literature to the gifted in the elementary schools. New York: Office of Elementary Schools 1970
- Caren L. Wesson / Margaret J. Keefe: „The special needs of gifted and talented students in the school library media center“. In: Caren L. Wesson / Margaret J. Keefe: (Hrsg.): Serving special needs students in the school library media center. Westport: Greenwood Press 1995, S. 207 – 220
- P. Witty: „Rationale for fostering creative reading in the gifted and the creative“. In: M. Labuda (Hrsg.): Creative reading for gifted learners: A design for excellence. Newark: International Reading Association 1985, S. 8 – 25
- Wladyslawa Wojcik: „O pracy z uczniem zdolnym w bibliotece szkoly podstawowej“. In: Poradnik Bibliotekarza 29 (1977) 1+2, S. 7 – 8
- Shirley Jean Benford Woodyard: Planning and implementing a library-centered individualized reading program for intermediate above average students. University of Dayton, MEd research project, 1977
Bücher mit hochbegabten Charakteren | gifted characters in fiction
„A gifted 10-year-old reacted to E. L. Konigsburg’s female protagonist in From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler (1967) by exclaiming: ‚Claudia is so much like me! She’s so bright, she uses logic and plans, but most of all, she wants to do something important with her life. That’s exactly how I feel. I don’t want my life to just be regular'“. (Bertie Kingore: „Gifted Kids, Gifted Characters, and Great Books„)
Öffentliche Bibliotheken sollten als ein Teil eines möglichen Angebots für hochbegabte Kinder und Jugendliche Bücher mit ebenso hochbegabten Charakteren anschaffen. Hochbegabte empfinden häufig ein Gefühl des „Andersseins“, daher sollte man ihnen mögliche literarische Identifikationsfiguren bieten. Als Hilfestellung arbeite ich hier an einer Liste solcher Bücher. Für Hinweise, vor allem aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, bin ich dankbar.
Verzeichnisse: Die Gifted Women-Website hat einen Bereich „Fiction with gifted characters/gifted families“. – Claire Hennessy stellt die Amazon-Liste „Books about gifted children and adolescents“ zusammen.
- Judy Blume: Here’s to You, Rachel Robinson. Laurel Leaf 1995
- Jerome Brooks: Knee Holes. Orchard Books 1992
- Michael Chesworth: This is the story of Archibald Frisby. Farrar, Straus & Giroux 1996
- Andrew Clements: The Report Card. Aladdin 2005 – ein reizendes Kinderbuch über ein hochbegabtes Mädchen, das sich seit Jahren sichtlich im Mittelfeld hält, um nicht durch hervorragende schulische Leistungen aufzufallen. Als sie spürt, dass schlechte Noten und Testergebnisse die weniger begabten Kinder belastet, schreibt sie, um zu beweisen, dass die ganze Testerei und Bewerterei unfair ist und die schlechteren Kinder kränkt.
- Roald Dahl: Matilda. Jonathan Cape 1988
- Helen DeWitt: The Last Samurai. Hyperion Books 2000
- Narinder Dhami: Genius games. New York: Hyperion Books for Children 2001
- Beth Evangelista: Gifted. Walker Books for Young Readers 2005 – Rezension von Shelly Glantz und Julie Scordato in: Library Media Connection 24 (2005) 3, S. 64
- Percival L. Everett: Glyph. Saint Paul: Graywolf Press 199
- Sheila Greenwald: Alvin Webster’s Surefire Plan for Success: And How It Failed. Little Brown & Co 1987
- Patricia Hermes: I hate being gifted. Putnam 1990 / Aladdin 1992
- Leslie McGuire / David F. Henderson [Ill]: The terrible truth about third grade. Mahwah: Troll Associates 1992
- Laura Moriarty: The center of everything. Waterville: Thorndike Press 2003
- Jeffrey Asher Nesbit: The puzzled prodigy. Wheaton: Victor Books 1992
- M. M. Ragz: Eyeballs for Breakfast. Aladdin Paperbacks 1990
- Sara Ryan: Empress of the World. Puffin 2003
- John Saul: Shadows. New York: Linda Grey Bantam Books 1992
- Bruce Stone: Been clever forever. New York: Harper & Row 1988
- Joyce Sweeney: Face the dragon. New York: Delacorte Press 1990
- Stephanie S. Tolan: Welcome to the Ark. HarperTeen 2000
- Jacqueline Woodson: Maizon at Blue Hill. Sagebrush 2002
- Lisa Yee: Millicent Min, girl genius. New York: Scholastic 2004
Organisationen | organizations
Es gibt einige Organisationen von bzw. für Hochbegabte, bei denen sich interessierte Eltern, BibliothekarInnen, LehrerInnen, Betroffene weitere Informationen besorgen können. Organizations for gifted persons where parents, librarians, teachers, and the gifted themselves can receive further information.
- begabung.ok (A), www.hochbegabung.at
- Council for exceptional children (Int.), www.cec.sped.org
- ECHA, European Council for high ability (Eur.), www.echa.ws
- Mensa, die weltweite Vereinigung intelligenter Menschen (A / Int.), www.mensa.at
- NAGC, National Association for gifted children (USA), www.nacg.org
- Tate, Society to support bright children (A), www.tate.at
- World Council for gifted and talented children (Int.), www.worldgifted.ca
ForscherInnen | researchers
- Judith Wynn Halsted, educational consultant at the Center for the Gifted, Traverse City, Michigan
- Nancy Ewald Jackson, University of Iowa, College of Education, Department for Psychological and Quantitative Foundations
- Bertie Kingore
- Rhona Stainthorp, University of London, Institute of Education, School of Psychology and Human Development, Language and Literacy Research Centre (precocious readers)
Suchbegriffe | search terms
Zum Weitersuchen: hier passende kontrollierte Suchbegriffe zu verschiedenen Datenbanken. Controlled search vocabulary for various databases for self-searching.
- ERIC: academically gifted; reading materials; recreational reading; enrichment activities; academic achievement; academic ability; librarian teacher cooperation; reading interests; reading motivation; library role; school libraries; gifted; early reading; prereading experience
- LISA: gifted children; reading
- LISTA: gifted children; books & reading; library instruction; library services; school libraries
- WorldCat: gifted children – education; school libraries; education (primary); books and reading; reading interests; gifted children – fiction; gifted persons; library orientation
Zusammenstellung von Monika Bargmann. Zuletzt aktualisiert am 30. Jänner 2018